Terraform workspaces
Workspaces are how Terraform Cloud organizes infrastructure.
workspace commands in terraform
terraform workspace show
“this command shows us the current workspace
terraform workspace select workspacename
“this command helps to move to the particular workspace when we have multiple workspaces.
terraform workspace new workspacename
this command helps to create a new workspace and
also we will be shifted to new created workspace terraform workspace list
this command lists the all workspaces present in our environment
Example usage:
In the below Example we have created default ,prod test and dev workspaces. Based on the workspace the instance type will be selected.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
access_key = ""
secret_key = ""
variable "mappi" {
type = map
default = {
default = "t2.small"
prod = "t2.large"
test = "t2.medium"
dev = "t2.small"
}resource aws_instance "myec3" {
ami = "ami-08f63db601b82ff5f"
instance_type = lookup(var.mappi, terraform.workspace)